There is a project currently being undertaken here in Australia called the World Wide Lyme Protest. Over 20 countries are attempting to visually show how Lyme disease effects people's lives and also how many lives it effects. 
I believe there are a few videos being released from this project.  The original "Highlights" video was released a few weeks ago and was followed by the "I am" video. Another video was released yesterday and was called "I've Lost". There is one more video to come called "I Want". These videos do take a bit of time to watch so when you have a few minutes please take a look.  It is exactly why we are walking next week!!!!  

A very big thanks to those who have been working hard  and are continuing to contribute to such an important project and message!!  

Please see below the following videos in this listed order .... 
I am
I've Lost

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    Michelle and Steve Kelly are walking to raise awareness and funding for research for Tick Borne Infections in Australia. 


    April 2013
    March 2013

